Saturday Style - First Dates
There comes a time in every female’s life when she has to go on that dreaded first date. Now I’m no Cilla Black (millennials if you don’t know who this is then please Google) but if my ‘dating life’ is anything to go by then there’s a few pointers that everyone can learn from.
I use inverted commas for ‘dating life’ because 1) I am single and 2) I currently reside with my parents. (!)
Back to the topic for this week’s #Saturday Style, yes the first date conundrum. They say we only ever get the chance to make one first impression so we ladies have got to bring our A game.
As a human species we’re predominantly visual which means that within the first five minutes of meeting someone we’ll know whether we’re attracted to them or not. (Another bit of handy science there from good old Cosmo). So whether it’s a dinner date, a quick meet for coffee, a trip to the cinema or something more exotic I have created a style collage that is near full proof.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s style and if you want to take a look at our latest collection as ever CLICK HERE. If you’re not following us on Facebook, CLICK HERE and if you want check out all the behind the scenes action follow us on Instagram - @tamara_harvey_luxury